The Competitive Intelligence Manifesto: Rallying for Competitive Intelligence Science [Webinar]

Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


[“A Deep Dive into the Competitive Intelligence (CI) Maturity Model” – suggested a new title since the manifesto and CI science goes way beyond the CI Maturity Model]
Over the last decade, business decision makers endured a reamrkable ‘Intelligence Gap’ across all areas of business. Competitive Intelligence (CI) is thus living the ultimate opportunity or its death knell!

Luis Madureira will share his doctoral thesis conclusions materialized in the CI Manifesto. His research focuses the establishment of Competitive Intelligence Science as a precursor of sound decisions that improve and sustain the performance of organizations in an exponentially changing world.

To the day, the absence of an empirically validated scientific definition was a foundational gap that hindered the CI praxis – art, practice and science. The lack of conceptual consensus and delimitation of the body of knowledge (CI BoK) inhibited the establishment of a profession, education, and the advancement of the discipline. Thus, the aim of the research was to lay down the foundations of CI science.

The resulting empirically validated scientific definition, maturity model, implementation frameworks, and design thinking mindset are expected to put the CI Virtuous Cycle in motion catapulting its praxis into a new era. More importantly, they should contribute to improving the performance of professionals, organizations, industries and countries, differentiating CI versus related disciplines, promoting admittance in academe, and mobilizing all stakeholders towards developing its practice, education, and theoretical advancement.

Please join the Council of Competitive Intelligence Fellows, and Fellow Luis Madureira, in learning how you can utilize this new, integrated version of all existing research surrounding the scientifically and empirically validated definition of CI. Luis will be sharing a series of implementation frameworks that are useful for both novice and seasoned practitioners develop their CI practice.
Period29 Nov 2023
Held atThe Council of Competitive Intelligence Fellows, United States
Degree of RecognitionInternational


  • Competitive Intelligence Science