Sob a Égide de Fernão Lopes

Activity: Participating in or organising an eventParticipation in workshop, seminar, course


Book launch and exhibition of the first complete translation of Fernão Lopes's books into English published in five volumes. Also exhibition of original document signed by Fernão Lopes, as well as of a 17th-century illuminated manuscript copy of the "Chronica del Rey D. Ioam I de Boa Memoria e dos reys de Portugal o decimo, parte primeira" (1644).
Period12 Sept 2024
Event typeConference
LocationLisboa, PortugalShow on map
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • Fernão Lopes
  • Crónicas Medievais
  • tradução especializada
  • Fernão Lopes Portal
  • Historiografia