Several projects in recent years have combined image processing and document analysis tools with images of medieval musical notation. The process of computerized neume identification has become clearer and more standardized, leaving researchers to tackle the next challenge: neume description. The Cantus Ultimus project (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada) connects the Cantus-style metadata about the contents of manuscripts with images of each of the manuscript on a web-interface designed for that purpose. Recently, members of Cantus Ultimus have been focusing on how to describe individual neume forms encountered in Hartker’s Antiphoner (Sang. Cod. 390 / 391) and the León Antiphoner containing Old Hispanic neumes, (León, Cathedral Library, MS 8) in the XML designed for musical notation, the Music Encoding Initiative (MEI). Discussions facilitating this process have taken place on several different conceptual levels, deepening and enriching our collective understandings of graphic variants and the semantics they may convey. To benefit from the collective experience represented by a gathering of Cantus Planus members, we propose a panel discussion on the topic. First, MEI will be briefly explained with demonstrations of the encoding for some of the neume forms drafted so far, and the process behind our decisions will be outlined. Following this introduction, the majority of the session is intended as an open forum for all those interested in the subject to contribute their ideas.Period | 11 Aug 2018 |
Event title | Cantus Planus: Meeting of the IMS Study Group |
Event type | Conference |
Conference number | XIX |
Location | Växjö, SwedenShow on map |
Degree of Recognition | International |
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